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30 Things for 30 Years: Fun Facts About Lauren

Writer: Lauren BakerLauren Baker

Updated: Jun 26, 2021

Celebrating a birthday – or really anything for that matter – has looked pretty different these days, so in honour of the sudden change in our daily norm and my 30th birthday this month, I thought I'd do something a little bit different by sharing some fun (and funny!) things you might not know about me!

1. I used to work as a summer camp counsellor at both sleep-away and day camps - taking the lead on arts & crafts, of course.

2. I also used to work in a few restaurant positions ranging from salad maker to server (think rotisserie chicken ;))

3. My small business originally started as a portrait photography business, grew into a photography and design business, and now solely design.

4. While I was interested in design and took graphic design courses all throughout university, I didn’t really incorporate it into my business until I was asked to create a family member’s wedding invitation in 2010.

5. The only sport I played in high school was field hockey for 2 years and I ended up taking a ball to the face our first game (lol).

6. My guy and I have tried to vacation in Florida twice in last 3 years and both trips have had to be canceled – 1) Hurricane Erma and 2) the current coronavirus pandemic. Guess we just aren't meant to go there.

7. Prior to moving to Winnipeg in 2014, I had only visited the city once about a month before moving (to find a place!).

8. During my undergrad, I took a course on the concept of suburbia/the suburban landscape (which I absolutely loveddd) and it ended up inspiring my final advanced project for my degree – a life-size porch enclosure with a recorded neighbourhood soundtrack.

9. Once upon a time I played a precious angel in a Christmas play at my grandparents’ church.

10. I sang in a children’s choir for a few years and was also on a kid’s CD with my sister and cousin that our choir conductor produced .

11. Unique donuts are great and all, but I almost always choose the classic sprinkle donut.

12. I love all things Harry Potter (I’m in Hufflepuff House, of course) and have lost count of the amount of times I have read the books/watched the movies.

13. I like going to sports games for the snacks. There, I said it! I know all of you do too.

14. I have yet to try dying my hair! :O

15. I really like going to the beach, but I’m not always a fan of the swimming bit. I’d much rather just float around in my donut inner tube if I have to go in, ya know?

16. I love annual family activities, so naturally Easter egg hunts, Christmas eve jammies, and pumpkin patch days are still going strong.

17. Pairing your socks after doing laundry has got to be one of the worst parts of adulting.

18. I was in Girl Guides for 11 years (#beprepared) and met a lot of great pals there (some that I'm still friends with!).

19. The idea of going on rollercoasters always seems like a good idea to me beforehand, but then I immediately regret my decision as soon as that seat bar comes down.

20. I did “Skid School” for winter driving shortly after starting university and hated that my parents made me do it, but it was actually soooo much fun (sometimes your parents do know what's best, I guess).

21. I was 27 when I went to Disneyland and Universal Studios for the first time...and my life has never been the same – in a good way, of course (haha).

22. I thoroughly enjoy wearing ugly Christmas sweaters and fuzzy pajama onesies – even when it’s not Christmas or winter.

23. My childhood cat was pretty chill cause he used to let me dress him up with the hats I’d make him (think paper crowns, bonnets, etc). He really did deserve all of the treats.

24. I have only ever traveled around North America.

25. My very first pair of glasses as a kid were small, round, and gold – so naturally I was the coolest.

26. So far, I‘ve lived in 12 different neighbourhoods – in houses, apartments, school housing, etc.

27. Any activity where I am required to wear alternative footwear usually ends poorly – rollerblading, skiing, bowling, etc.

28. If I had to be any animal, it would probably be a cat because I’m a night owl and homebody who enjoys the occasional nap.

29. All of my best university papers were written between the hours of 11pm-4am with an almost infinite amount of Costco goldfish crackers.

30. One of my most embarrassing moments at a weekend camp was wearing light beige shorts and sitting on a chocolate pudding lid someone left on the grass. People didn’t think it was pudding.

And there you have it - saving the best for last! If you have a fun/funny story you want to share shoot me an email at

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